Proceeds from the show will help two Tanzanian sisters attend school near where they live near Lake Eyasi in the northern part of the country.

Members of the Interact Club say the proceeds from the upcoming Bravesman 2.0 show will be donated to Journeys of Solutions, a non-profit that provides scholarships to children in Africa to help them attend school. 

Part pageant, part talent show, Bravesman 2.0 is open to juniors and seniors. Contestants will perform individually and in a group and will compete for a $250 first place prize. Proceeds from the show will help two Tanzanian sisters attend school near where they live near Lake Eyasi in the northern part of the country. 

“Contestants will perform a group dance together, a talent of their own and then dress up and have a question and answer session,” said Sydney M., vice president of Avon’s Interact Club who’s helping organize the show. “It’s meant to be a fun evening with no pressure and a relaxed atmosphere.” 

Bravesman 2.0 will start at 7 p.m. May 21 in the Middle School Auditorium, 191 Clinton St., Avon. Admission tickets come with a suggested donation of $5 to $7 and will be sold at the door the night of the show and after school in the cafeteria on May 19 and 20. 

Interact Club is still accepting contestants, said Sydney. Those interested in participating should email Sydney, Interact Club President Josephine V. or use the sign-up sheet outside the High School Library.