Avon Families,

News media is circulating a story regarding new challenges with social media.  The TikTok application has been used to spread rumors of school violence on December 17th.  This unhelpful messaging has circulated nationally, but we do not have any reason to believe it originated here.  Although some schools in the region have dealt with non-credible threats in this regard, Avon has not.  This is a credit to our students and families.

Please know that our Principals, the Avon Police Department, and our Resource Officer are aware of this trend and are taking increased precautions.  Additionally, the Livingston County Sheriff's Office is also aware.  Although this TikTok trend has not resulted in any credible threats against Avon, we are monitoring it closely.

We encourage you to talk with your students about this and establish appropriate boundaries regarding social media.  Please reach out directly to your building principals with questions.

Thank you.