Young boy holding badminton racket and birdie, poised to serve.

Middle School students are boosting their badminton skills! In class with physical education teachers, Mrs. Herrera and Mr. Zarzycki, the students traveled from station to station to practice the rally and their serves. At one rally station, students used the traditional shuttlecock (or “birdie”), while at the other, the “balloonminton” station, balloons were used so that the object to hit was both larger and slower-moving - providing students with greater opportunity to focus more on their techniques. At the serving stations, students could aim for large rings spaced out on the service courts.

Students practice serving over the net.

Students concentrate on technique at the "balloonminton" rally station.jpg

Students practice their serves.

Students rally with the shuttlecock.

As part of the COVID protocol, Mr. Zarzycki cleans rackets at the end of class.