summer camp

Avon Summer Enrichment Camps for grades K-5 are Now Open for Enrollment!

Sign up HERE!

Each program is four consecutive days in a row (M-Th) for 1 week with a max of 15 students per program unless otherwise noted.  Fridays: These will be experiences at local parks, hiking trails, fairy searches, etc.  There will be a handout on the first day with permission slips for parents/caregivers to fill out.

AM Sessions: 10:00am-12:00am         
PM Sessions: 12:30pm-2:30pm

Week 1: July 8-11
Week 2: July 15-18
Week 3: July 22-25
Week 4: July 29-August 1
Week 5: August 5-8
Week 6: August 12-15

July 8-11: Beginning Band Camp, Neighborhood Games, Introduction to Board Games

July 15-18: Beginning Band Camp, Nursing Home Visits, Kids Cook Off!, Crafts

July 22-25: Beginning Band Camp, Summer Chess Club, Neighborhood Games, Mindfulness, Jewelry Making, Learn to Write in Cursive

July 29-August 1: Beginning Band Camp, Dive into Literature, Reader’s Theater, Jewelry Making, Summer Crafts, Kids Cook Off!

August 5-8: Beginning Band Camp, Mythbusters, Chess Club, Board Games, Crafts

August 12-15:Beginning Band Camp, STEAM, Legos, Introduction to Board Games

**For those attending summer recreation through the Town of Avon and staying for an afternoon Enrichment Camp session, please bring a lunch.  A staff member will gather these kids up from Rec, bring them inside to eat, then make sure they get to their afternoon activity.  Please pick up at 2:30 at the Middle School Entrance.

*Age restriction apply so check the descriptions when registering here.


Contact Sandy Kaufmann